May 27, 2014

Safety Longboarding tips for Beginners

So when you arrive at a new spot and you are new to the sport, stoked as hell, you probably just roll down the hill with reckless abandon. Well, you may think that this is rad, but safety is your number one priority, not only your own, but for others too. There are

May 25, 2014

Fashion Skatement (Statement)

I know, I know, looking good while skating is such a big issue for you guys. Who would want to look like crap on a photo or video while doing a 100-foot standie? Style is not only applicable to the way you skate it is also relevant in the way you look. Ditch those lame old straight cut jeans and oversized shirts, because making a statement through your skills is good, but add a statement through fashion and you should be killing those photos and video edits.

King of the Hill III

The annual King of the Hill, in its third year will be underway this coming May 30 to June 1, 2014 at Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental (It's a 3-day event that will feature the best riders on the country and also one of the gnarliest spots in the Philippines. The event is through a joint cooperation by the Local Government Unit and the Bacolod Longboarding Community. 

May 22, 2014

Stretch before you Shred

This is a very important, yet often an overlooked and forgotten routine by skaters. Most amateur longboarders, like me, often take stretching for granted and go on skating without doing it, not knowing that we are adding more risk of injuring ourselves to an already risky sport.I learned the importance of stretching and warm-up exercises the hard way. Last November, I tore my ACL while playing ultimate Frisbee. Although my injury was not caused directly by longboarding

May 21, 2014

Top 10: Sexy-looking boards

Disclaimer: This is not an accurate ranking; it is based on a poll and some of my personal opinion.

10.) Omen Airship

Don’t be fooled by the name. Contrary to actual airships, which are huge, bulging, and slow, this airship is fast, rigid and compact. It sports a one-directional shape with the Accelerated Rocker design that gives it the distinct dropped look and feel. The shape on the tail end gives it an aerodynamic vibe.


Length: 36.5"
Width: 9.5"
Wheelbase: 24.5"-28.5"

Concave: 3D radial concave
Flex: Stiff
Disciplines: Downhill, Freeride, Slide